June 9, 2013. Walking Day Three
It started to rain hard yesterday afternoon. When we awoke at 6:00am we found it still raining, and hard!
Preparing ourselves for a wet day we donned our rain gear to brave the day. Within 5 minutes we encountered another pilgrim who told us the river which the trail followed had breached its borders and the trail was impassable. So, plan B.
Our next stop was Pamplona so Plan B was to follow the highway into the city. It shouldn't be hard and being Sunday, have little traffic.
Well in the end there was little traffic, but the night's rain was flooding everything. Water runoff was crossing the highway all the way into Pamplona. It was so bad the lower part of the city was under water.
So after sloshing through 20km and 5 hours in a downpour we arrived at our Albergue.
The silver lining of the day was meeting up with an elderly Scottish man. We walked the last two hours together and shared many life stories. (Now that I'm over 50 I can do that!). After I told him what I do he shared he was a follower of Jesus too. Which gave us other stories to share!
The picture above is the sign (in the background) for the restaurant where we had lunch. It's a place made famous because Hemingway would eat there.