June 23, 2013. Walking Day 17
We are not into the ugly, boring part of the Camino. The terrain is fairly flat, browner and dry. The small towns we pass through are mostly dead with crumbling buildings and homes. Not really pleasant.
Walk a bit with both brothers today. No earth shattering conversations, just simple banter amoungst friends. It's very nice.
Having a lot of Camino experience and having researched most of my stops I seemed to have developed a reputation amoungst the English speakers as the "go to guy." They also seem to appear at all the same albergues as I do too.
Ended the day swapping stories as fathers. They are older then I so have traverses they child into adulthood phase. It was a good heartfelt time.
Or reconnected with Luis, whom I start the Camino with weeks ago. We had dinner together. He's got a different schedule then I so I may not see him again.