June 14, 2013. Walking Day 8
Ok, now today was the longest day, 30km. The most painful day by far!
Had two divine appointments today. The first was with a Danish pastor named Anne. We swaped stories about our Camini experiences. She kept talking about having spiritual experiences so I kept asking her to clarify what she meant. As she did I would redirect the source back to God who has created us in His image and how we can see His finger prints in the lives of people - and ourselves. By the end she was really getting excited as the dots began to connect.
The second was with a Texan who was walking part of the Camino with his daughter and son. As he shared how he was having, again, spiritual experiences as they walked. Like with Anne I gently suggested that those were coming from God.
I gave both my prayer card which I hope will help them connect directly to God as they walk they Camino.